Admission and Enrollment procedures
Lingua inglese
Academic calendar
Study grants
Obblighi Formativi Aggiuntivi (OFA)
Course attendance
Transfer and course changing procedures
Interruption and return to study
Tuition fees and exemptions
Certificates and Degree certificates
Student/Athlete Dual Career
Alias career
Notice board
Interruption and return to study
Procedures, schedules and fees for the suspension, withdrawal and resumption of the university career and to obtain the recognition of credits after the loss of student status.
Ufficio Segreteria Studenti - DINCI
Dott. Giorgio Dieni
Cubo: 45/B ponte carrabile
(+39) 0984.496762
Segreteria didattica dei Corsi di Studio - DINCI
Dott.ssa Maria Gencarelli
Cubo 45B – livello ponte carrabile
(+39) 0984.494222